Feb 7, 2010


No photos from Co-Op this time around - I got soaked on the way in, soaked on the way out! But I was super excited to meet the re:new readers who came down last night and have to say that the absolute highlight of my night was chatting about our love of fashion, what's coming for re:new in 2010 and what would be the holy grail of vintage finds!
So thank you for coming, it really was so so good to meet you and I look forward to the next Co-Op (coming March) so we can catch up again!

To end our weekend - a few more before and afters for your viewing pleasure! All of which can be found in store here.


  1. Oh, I love what you've done with the first dress. The skirt of it is so full!
    also like the blue skirt!

  2. what you've done with these pieces are so inspiring! love them all


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