Mar 18, 2012

week 27

In the words of Ashley… getting dressed now is ‘all about trying not to look like a tent. Or a whale. Or a house. Even though I feel like one.’ I’m so tempted to buy myself some pregnant lady clothes but that sensible internal voice keeps saying ‘but you’ll only be wearing them for 12 more weeks, last time you managed to wait it out’. Damn you sensible!

This week I’ve been feeling a bit restless, a bit up and down emotionally, helped none by restless sleep and being woken up with massively painful leg cramps in the middle of the night (lets not even mention how many bathroom breaks are required throughout the night when you’re pregnant)! And have I mentioned before how much this baby moves? What can he possibly be doing in there that requires so much activity! But I'm pretty pleased with myself for getting Paige into a good routine of tidying up her books and toys at the end of the day with the promise of watching half an hour of TV before bed, now I don’t have to bend down and pick anything up. hehe Clever mummy!

Trousers + top – vintage


  1. Such a cute outfit, it looks really comfortable!

    Congrats with the baby!

  2. so wonderful outfit:) you look amazing!
    please visit me in free time:)

  3. I like the way you knot your shirt. I also think, that you can survive maternity without buying all those maternity-stuff. Besides I found out that most things don't look nice. They are all cute and flowery and pastel shades... I'm turning into a mum and not a fairy, no? ;-))

    1. I totally agree, but some things just dont fit unless they are maternity specific... it's mainly jeans + trousers I'm worried about. But, like you say, most maternity stuff looks horrible, like it's made for someone in their 60s!

    2. Jeans and trousers might be a problem. I already found "my" jeans at H&M. Black skinny jeans with a little leather-appearance. I went yesterday to a maternity store to find a dress... nothing! Everything is made of cotton-spandex-something, like beach-clothes. But I've seen some good things on, but I've never ordered there before. I'll try without maternity stuff as long as possible (beside the jeans).
      btw... I'm your new follower :-)
      And I'm looking forward to your new outfit ideas!!!
      Happy Weekend!


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