Feb 2, 2012


If ever there were the perfect non-maternity maternity shirt, this would surely be it! I don’t even look pregnant in it and I’m pretty much half way there. Until I turn sideways in the wind! ha
Does anybody have any recommendations for good pregnancy / mummy blogs? Wouldn’t mind exploring this side of the blogsphere a little bit more at the moment.

Blouse – Stylestalker  *  Jeans – Topshop Maternity  *  Bag – vintage  *  Necklace – from my mum  *  Wedges – Jeffrey Campbell


  1. girlsgonechild.net is a pretty awesome mums blog!x

  2. The necklace is perfect!


  3. i really like thedaybookblog.com she just had her first child last year, the pregnancy fashion make me want to have a baby! and her little boy is too cute!

  4. oh and looks like that is the perfect shirt! pregnant or not! loving how happy you've been looking in all your posts too :D makes me happy! infectious smiles!

  5. great look.. I'm so in love with that necklace! ..and sorry, I know nothing about pregnancy stuff or blogs or kids.. :S but good luck on that, ha
    thanks for stopping by my blog btw.. stay cool!

  6. this stylestalker blouse...what collection is it from?? i LOVE it!! it looks great on you xx

  7. Very chic! The necklace is awesome x

  8. gosh i forgot you were pregnant for a second. You look so chic in this! i love the top and the necklace together.


  9. Thanks for your suggestions guys, I'm all over them tonight. Yay!

  10. You are just two weeks ahead of me! Alittleblueberry.com


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