Aug 9, 2010

to do

* Find a new home for the expanding re:new family. Done.
* Stop buying baby stuff until move complete. Trying really hard!
* Source new stock. Always doing!
* Wash hair. Done.
* List this week’s new stock. Done.
* Show off some before and afters. Done (below).
* Pack for trip to the Gold Coast later this week. Not done!
* Paint nails. Not done!
* Book another Glebe Market stall. Done. (I can’t be sure but I could be crazy doing another one at 8mths pregnant)
* Create gift certificate for charity auction. In process (details to come).
* Respond to outstanding personal emails. Not done! (sorry, getting there)
* Pack. Not done, still time to put off!

Nothing of particular interest but all necessary. Where will it end?

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  1. I love that you show before and afters. I only show afters, and I don't know why. Good luck with the rest of your list.

  2. you have such a great style and sense of what looks fabulous

  3. Aww, thanks Jas. I try! ;)


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